Mr. Financial Underdog:
Age: Early Thirties
Current Occupation: Construction worker
Previous Occupations in Canada: Photographer, forklift driver, warehouse worker, phone book delivery person, computer assembly worker, video-game tester (not as exciting as it sounds).
First Job in Canada: Car wash employee (even less exciting)
Income (approx.): Just over $40,000/year
Highest Level of Education: Some college (started but had to drop out)
Number of years living in Canada: 10 years
Country of Origin: Born in Soviet Union which later became Russia.
Views on Money: Money should be put to work instead of being spent. Once you have enough accumulated, you can start spending the income from it. Never touch the principle.
Biggest Fear About Money: Not being able to provide enough for my family
Favorite Books: Godfather, Richest Man in Babylon, No Country for Old Men
Favorite TV show/movie: Black Hawk Down and The Sopranos
Random fact: Back in Russia, we didn’t have a phone at our home until I turned 18 (really makes your dating life hard!). Also, we were taught how to shoot a machine gun in high school.
Mrs. Financial Underdog:
Age: Young and Beautiful
Current Occupation: Accountant in-training
Previous Occupations in Canada: Clothing store clerk, tech assistant for a phone company, bookkeeper
First Job in Canada: Tech assistant (job that requires you to ask “Have You Tried Turning It Off And On Again?” hundreds of times over the course of the day)
Income (approx.): Under $40,000/year
Highest Level of Education: University degree
Number of years living in Canada : 6 years
Country of Origin: Born in Soviet Union which later became Russia.
Views on Money: Money should provide one with comfortable living.
Biggest Fear About Money: Running out of it and not being able to provide for parents living overseas when they’re unable to work
Favorite Books: Harry Potter (all of them)
Favorite TV show/movie: Currently binge-watching Supernatural.
Random fact: Likes everything British (movies, books, tea, travel destinations, accent, actors, etc.) for some reason. Loves giving gifts although always denies it.