DREAM Savings account marches on!
So, last year I’ve decided to open DREAM Savings account. While it sounds fancy and posh, it’s just another savings account where I’ve decided to deposit money made from occasional work on the side, selling some of my possessions, local kids’ lunch money, etc. The goal is to save up and spend it on the long list of goals and dreams I have without using any of our work income.
The idea is simple - to have money that I won’t feel guilty spending. I am a bit of a tightwad when it comes to spending money (huge understatement), so is Mrs. Financial Underdog. So, this is a way to trick ourselves into spending money that will make us feel good without using any of our work income. Cause our work income is earmarked for boring stuff - like investing, paying off our mortgage, and feeding ourselves.

DREAM Savings Account
It’s been a few months, so it’s time for another fiscal update!