DREAM Savings account marches on!
So, last year I’ve decided to open DREAM Savings account. While it sounds fancy and posh, it’s just another savings account where I’ve decided to deposit money made from occasional work on the side, selling some of my possessions, local kids’ lunch money, etc. The goal is to save up and spend it on the long list of goals and dreams I have without using any of our work income.
The idea is simple - to have money that I won’t feel guilty spending. I am a bit of a tightwad when it comes to spending money (huge understatement), so is Mrs. Financial Underdog. So, this is a way to trick ourselves into spending money that will make us feel good without using any of our work income. Cause our work income is earmarked for boring stuff - like investing, paying off our mortgage, and feeding ourselves.

DREAM Savings Account
It’s been a few months, so it’s time for another fiscal update!
Previous balance: $733.74
Deposits: $2,406.2
$150.00 - Side work income
Last time I’ve shared how I made almost $300 by demolishing a hot tub. Hilariously, I got hired through the same ad to demolish an old shed. The house was for sale, and the owners were desperate to get it out of there. So, I came to their rescue and just an hour later the shed was disassembled and hauled away. I didn’t even break a sweat!
Perhaps I should start specializing in demolition, I seem to be good at it 🙂

DREAM Savings Account update
$970.00 - Selling useless stuff on eBay. I’ve sold a few things online that have been cluttering our storage room. There was no chance I’ll ever need it, so why collect extra junk when I can make a few bucks on it? Some of the items:

DREAM Savings Account update
DREAM Savings Account update

DREAM Savings Account update
And no, it’s not my old cell phone!:) I picked it up at a garage sale a long time ago, and it’s been collecting dust for years. It’s a fully working Motorola flip phone, and I’ve manage to sell it for $140 on eBay.
$372.23 - Forgotten account! As I’ve shared before, I used to do quite a bit of stock photography in the past. It was a nice hobby, but fairly time consuming, so I’ve stopped contributing and closed my accounts. Or so I thought! Apparently, I forgot about one of my accounts at iStock Photo - they’ve emailed me asking tax information, and when I logged in I was pleasantly surprised with some money that has been sitting there. So, I cashed it out, and transfered it into DREAM Savings Account.
$900.00 - Tangerine referral bonuses. I love this bank, and I can never get tired of recommending it. Sign up right now, and earn some free money for both of us!
$13.97 - Accumulated interest
Expenses: $0
We haven’t spent any money out of our DREAM Savings Account, but I already have a few ideas. Stay tuned!
New balance: $3,139.94