Three easy ways of saving money

Saving money can be classy


I’ve mentioned multiple times that investing a part of our income became a priority for our family. This year, our goal is to invest at least 30% of our working income towards future. You know, the good old “pay yourself first” principle that nobody really understands at first.

At the same time, we don’t make a lot of money. We’re still young, still lacking education and fancy titles, and our paychecks are much lower than we’d like them to be. But hey, it’s not just how much you make. It’s also how much you spend! And this is where saving money comes into play.

We enjoy saving money on things -  especially when we can put these savings to work by investing it or spending on something we truly enjoy, like traveling. I don’t advocate living like monks and eating cat food just for the sake of saving money. But if you can save money without comprising anything and direct the savings towards something meaningful, saving money can be a beautiful thing.

Saving Money

Saving Money

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Automating finances - How and Why!?

Automating finances and why I love it!

Let’s be honest, running the financial side of your family affairs takes time, it takes effort, and takes discipline. Mundane tasks such as bill payments and shuffling money between accounts require your attention. Even small things take time that is a precious commodity these days especially if you have kids. Somehow you need to remember due dates, amounts, different bill types, save for retirement, invest your money, send checks, and prepare for large expenses coming up … This almost sounds like a full time job sometimes.

Would it not be wonderful if all of these things were happening automatically? This is what I call automating finances - making sure all these tasks happen independently of your actions. You can be busy doing something else or even be traveling in South America yet your financial affairs would require very little of your attention, and can run themselves automatically.


Automating Finances

Automating Finances


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